Monday 12 May 2008

Just Started

Right here it goes, I have never done a blog before neither any gardening so i thought I would start them both now.

I have not long moved into a new house in wavendon bucks, although the house is lovely the garden was not so. Its about 100ft long and split into 3 sections the first 10ft is a badly laid patio (this will go as soon as time/money allows). next is the lawn area which i guess is about 50ft long. then the end section is 45 foot.

The lawn area:

Mainly grass with small borders on the LHS and RHS although fairly uneven and a few mole hills it not in bad condition.

The Back Area:

When we moved in this area was completely over grown with nettles brambles and god knows what else, back in Feb 2008 I decided it was time to get in there and cut it all down and with a set of decent gloves and bolt cutters it was done in a weekend, I let it all dry out over a few weeks and had a big bonfire. Easy job done.....thats what i thought.

All of this i done with out a plan of what we wanted down the end.

The plan at the moment (subject to change) is to create 3 areas down the end of the garden, patio or decking at the very back as we get the most sun there in the evening. In front of that lawn with a small path leading to the gate and if your facing the house on the right hand side a play area probably back chip, this will be nicely shaded by a tree. on the right hand side i want to turn into a vegtable patch. the veg patch will consist of 5 or 6 beds each 1m wide by 3m deep. 

Time to get started :)

Mar 2008

After clearing area found hill at back of plot decided to use the soil from that to level out lawn in main garden, once i started to dig I found loads of ruble, bits of motorbikes calor gas bottles all sorts, no problem just keep at it will be sorted soon. Still not finished!!!!!!!

April 2008 

Why is there loads of stuff growing again in that area I cleared!!!!!!!

What i forgot (didnt want to do) when a cleared the area was dig the roots out :( 

Not a problem when i get a free weekend I will get down there and clear it again

May 2008 

Joined forum and the people on there have been a great help given advise and encouragement.

I had a long weekend off from work so time to get started down the end.

After being advised that working on the plot i should divide it into smaller more manageable areas i went to our local garden centre and bought a load of black weed matting and started to dig. My plan is to dig out as many of the roots as possible and then cover to ensure nothing else would survive. I found some of it would come up really easily but most of it was very hard work, finding big root balls were the worse as they didnt lift out with the fork. But with alot of sweat and a nose bleed it slowly started to clear. I was managing to clear a 1.5m by 2.5m in about 2/3 hours.

You will see from the pictures the amount of roots i have dug up.

So thats me upto date here are some pics of my progress so far.